Posted inMoney & Politics Column

Attorney conduct at issue in Gableman dust-up

Michael Gableman, the Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, has been drawing flak over revelations that he received free legal help in an ethics case from a law firm representing clients with past and pending cases before the court. But, as the saying goes, it takes two to tango. If Gableman’s receipt of legal services from Michael Best violated state ethics laws, what can be said about Eric McLeod, the Michael Best lawyer who entered into this agreement?

Posted inMoney & Politics Column

One Wisconsin Now: Watchdog or attack dog?

The liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now has offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone who defaces or destroys petitions to recall Gov. Scott Walker. Conservative critics have dismissed the reward as a “stunt” and called the organization “the court jester of the liberal movement.”