Wisconsin Watch is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that is primarily funded through grants from foundations and donations from individuals and corporations. Please visit our main funding page to learn more, and to see funding from other years.

As a matter of policy, funders exercise no control over Wisconsin Watch’s editorial decisions, and all funders are publicly identified.

To support our work with a gift, please visit our donate page.

Foundations and institutions

Challenge Fund for Journalism VI (a joint effort between Ford Foundation, McCormick Foundation and the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation): $37,500 (Year 2 of 2)
Matching grant – general support

Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation: $100,000
General support

Evjue Foundation: $2,000
General support

Foundation to Promote Open Society, in cooperation with the Open Society Foundations$50,000 (Year 2 of 2) & $35,000
General support

Open Society Institute, in partnership with MAPLight.org: $25,000
Investigate the influence of money in Wisconsin state politics and policymaking

Peters Family Foundation: $2,350
General support

Individual donors

Watchdog club ($1000+)

Baumann, Herman and Kay Schwichtenberg

Members (Less than $1,000)

Applegate, Susan
Bier, Thomas and Katherine
Brett, Malcolm and Penny
Chernik, Janice
Daigle, John
Danky, James and Schelshorn, Christine
Gleason, Neil and Cindy
Grayson, James
Hall, Andrew and Dee J.
Hasler, Dr. Philip and Hasler, Janet
Haumersen, Scott
Heynen, Nick
Houston, Brant
Jafuta, Forrest and Margaret
Kohl, Gail
Lethem, Troy and Matthias, Mary
Lewis, Charles and Gilbert, Pam
May, Michael
McIntyre, Jody
Melton, Dan
Michel, Roberto and Michel, Karen Lincoln
Mitchell, Jack and Bonnie
Moyer, John
Murphy, Valerie
Oliver, Richard and Carol
Rivin, Jonathan
Vetterkind, Michelle